


1. 目的

1.1 在美光,我们致力于尊重人权. 这一承诺是我们以人为本的核心价值观的基础. 确保我们的诚信努力, 微米’s Human Rights Policy is guided by common principles found within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 负责任商业联盟行为准则, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, 以及《沙巴体育安卓版下载》. 

2. 范围

2.1 This policy applies to all 微米 employees and employees of subsidiaries and joint ventures in which 微米 has a controlling interest. 保护我们直接行动之外的人权, 微米 further requires our suppliers and contractors to adopt the same or similar standards. 除了, we will endeavor to evaluate human rights implications arising across our entire value chain, 包括我们的沙巴体育结算平台和服务.

3. 政策声明

3.1 Our efforts focus on the following fundamental aspects of human rights: 1) freely chosen employment; 2) young worker protections; 3) working hours; 4) fair w年龄s and benefits; 5) worker health and safety; 6) non-discrimination and anti-骚扰; and 7) freedom of association. Our minimum standards for these principles are laid out in this policy and are incorporated in our Code of Business Conduct and 道德. 违反, 已知或怀疑, 应该报告给你的人力资源业务伙伴吗, 法律或合规部门, 您的经理或副总裁或通过我们的合规和道德热线. The hotline is maintained by a third-party vendor with processes in place to enable anonymous submissions and to man年龄 potential conflicts of interest. 除了, 微米 strives to avoid complicity in human rights violations and supports the advancement of human rights along our entire value chain. 

3.2 在美光,我们定期评估风险, 包括与人权有关的风险, and we regularly review our policies to ensure we are appropriately addressing these risks. With board oversight and through several senior and executive level councils and committees, we seek relevant guidance from stakeholders and subject matter experts and perform appropriate assessments and adopt and implement policies we deem needed. We regularly conduct due diligence and audits across our supply chain to assess supplier compliance with these and other requirements. 

4. 定义

4.1 术语和定义

术语 定义
骚扰 骚扰 is unwelcome offensive behavior related to a legally protected class which affects employment decisions, 使工作环境充满敌意, 或者不合理地干扰性能. 这包括但不限于:不受欢迎的性侵犯, 性要求, 一事,, 在开玩笑, 侮辱, 冒犯性的视觉图像或印刷品, such as screen savers or calendars and other verbal or physical conduct of a harassing or discriminatory nature.
热线服务电话 美光合规帮助热线托管在一个安全的, confidential external platform and allows Team Members and Third Parties to report concerns anonymously, 在当地法律允许的情况下(通过电话或在线提交). 可拨打求助热线/.5. 需求

5. 需求

5.1 自由选择就业/防止人口贩运和强迫劳动

5.1.1. 美光禁止强制使用, 保税(包括债务奴役), 契约劳动, 非自愿的或受剥削的监狱劳工, 在我们自己的运营和我们的供应链中存在奴役或贩卖. We prohibit harsh or inhumane treatment, 包括 actual or threatened corporal punishment. 

5.1.2. Team members are not required to pay employers' 年龄nts' or sub-年龄nts' recruitment fees or other related fees for their employment. 

5.2 No Child Labor; Young Worker Protections 

5.2.1. 美光禁止任何形式的童工. 微米 defines “child” as anyone under sixteen years of 年龄 (unless national or local law stipulates a higher mandatory school leaving or minimum working 年龄, 在这种情况下,以较高的年龄为准). 美光和所有业务合作伙伴(包括供应商), 供应商, and extended workforce) shall not eng年龄 or employ anyone who is under this child labor minimum 年龄. 

5.2.2. 此外,美光将“青年工人”定义为未满18岁的任何人. 微米 does not eng年龄 or employ any young workers and expects all its business partners (包括 suppliers, 供应商, and extended workforce) to refrain from engaging young workers in any position or activity which is at a higher risk to jeopardize health or safety, 包括, 但不限于, 年轻工人不上夜班,也不加班.

5.3 工作时间 

5.3.1. 微米 recognizes the importance of worker well-being and the risks affiliated with worker s火车. 美光遵守所有适用的当地法律, 有关工作时间和加班的法规和/或当地习俗. 除非在紧急或不寻常的微米内部使用的情况下, 微米 will not allow staff to work in excess of a maximum of 60 hours per week (or the maximum set by local laws) and will provide at least one day off every seven days. 我们对供应商也有同样的要求. 

5.4 公平工资和福利 

5.4.1. 美光遵守我们经营所在司法管辖区所有适用的工资法律. 我们尊重并遵守当地有关最低工资、加班费和福利的法律. 我们进一步期望我们的供应商和承包商满足这些要求. 

5.5 工人健康与安全 

5.5.1. 微米 is committed to worker and general health and safety in our own operations and along our entire value chain. 遵守所有适用的健康和安全法律是最低要求. 微米实现, maintains and validates the conformance of our health and safety man年龄ment systems to internationally recognized ISO standards to help assure worker safety. 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的环境、健康和安全政策. 

5.6 不歧视和反骚扰 

5.6.1. 美光致力于提供一个没有歧视的工作场所, 骚扰, 暴力, 和恐吓. 我们致力于为所有员工提供公平和尊重的待遇, 我们希望我们的供应商也能保持同样的承诺. Our 公司 strictly prohibits any form of unlawful discrimination against any team member or applicant for employment. 我们招募, 雇佣, 火车, 促进, 纪律和其他雇佣决定不考虑种族, color, 种族, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同与表达, 年龄, 国家的起源, 国籍, 残疾, 资深地位, 婚姻状况和其他受法律保护的分类. 除了, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodation for team members’ disabilities or religious beliefs and practices. 

5.7 结社自由 

5.7.1. 微米 respects the rights of workers to form and join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively and to peacefully assemble as permitted under applicable local law. 美光也尊重工人选择不参与此类活动的权利. It is the right of workers to share ideas and concerns with man年龄ment, free of fear of reprisal. 除了, all 微米 employees have a duty to speak up (through a variety of communication options, (包括匿名)如果他们观察到一些似乎不正确的事情, and we never tolerate reprisals or retribution against anyone who lodges a complaint or concern in good faith. 仅限内部使用

6. 政策合规

6.1. 所有团队成员:所有美光团队成员都必须遵守本政策. Failure to comply with the requirements of this Policy can result in disciplinary action up to and 包括 termination. 对于与本政策有关的任何问题,团队成员应联系policy@safarinautique.com或在别名热线服务电话/提交问题或疑虑

7. 参考文献




8. 授权和评审历史

老板:  四月奥利弗-副总裁,道德和合规 
批准人: 简·克林格-合规主管 & 道德
政策范畴 法律
保单生效日期: 1/8/2019
最后覆检日期:  1/18/2024
下次复核日期: 1/18/2026
节奏 24个月

如对本政策有任何疑问,请联系 Policy@safarinautique.com